Monday, September 30, 2019

John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

John Steinbeck was born in 1902, in Salinas, California. He was the third eldest of the four children born, but was the only male in the family, besides his father. He graduated from Salinas High School in 1919, and attended Stanford University, but leaving without a degree. He was employed in the beginning as a sales clerk, farm labourer factory worker. Later, in 1925, he became a construction worker in New York. He wrote his first novel, â€Å"Cup of Gold†, in 1929. During the period of the 1930’s, he produced most of his eminent novels such as â€Å"To A God Unknown†, â€Å"Tortilla Flat†, â€Å"Dubious Battle†, â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, and the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel ‘The Grapes of Wrath’. The themes of his books can all be classified as social novels dealing with the economic problems of rural labour, but there is also a streak of worship in his books, which does not always agree with his matter-of-fact sociological approach. After 1935, his novels moved to more serious fiction, often bellicose in its social criticism. The novels are mostly set in remote farms or by the usual rustic country side. He died in New York City in 1968, and his ashes lie in the Garden of Memories Cemetery in Salinas. Part 2: Exploration of the setting of ‘Of Mice and Men’ The context of this novel mainly focuses on a small working ranch in the Salinas Valley of Northern California, sometime during the 1930’s. It starts beside a stream, close to the Salinas River, a few miles south of Soledad. The four major settings are the clearing by the pond, the bunkhouse, Crook’s room and the barn. The action occurs over a period of four to five days and in only four specific locations: a wooded area next to the Salinas River, a bunkhouse on the ranch, the stable hand’s room on the ranch and the main barn. The tight structure of setting, revolving around single locations and continuous timing, almost makes the novel seem like a play. It takes place during the Great Depression, hence the main characters seem poor and desperate for work. Steinbeck had chosen the area of Soledad because in Spanish, it means loneliness, and therefore adds to the essence of Steinbeck’s story which tells us of how to part-brothers go to find work. Part 3: Historical Context The Great Depression (1929-1939) – * Was a time of extreme hardship for people in Australia * Was caused by the stock-market crash on Wall Street, 1929 * Before this happened, unemployment issues in Australia was already at 10% * After the crash, unemployment in Australia more than doubled to 21% in mid-1930, and reached its peak in mid-1932 when almost 32% of Australians were out of work. Migrant Farm Workers – * In the early 1930’s thousands of desperate workers across America migrated to California * California advertised an abundance of fertile land, and many migrants were agriculturists * Because the massive drought had encompassed the Great Plains, many farmers abandoned the land * Californian farmers produced mostly fruits and dairy products, but the central valleys of California were poorly irrigated The American Dream – * Is essentially an idea that suggests anyone living in the US can succeed through hard work and has the potential to lead a flourishing life * Was created in the 1600’s, by immigrant workers on farms Part 4: Meaning of the title The perfect schemes made by smart organisms (mice and humans) often go wrong because they were not thought out thoroughly. The failing schemes leave nothing but grief and pain, but in the end, it promises joy.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Secret Window

Abstract This paper explores the review of the movie – Secret Window. It talks about in detail on how the movie shows the two side of a human behavior – the good and the evil and how things can go if one cannot have a control over its mind. It clearly shows the aftermath of it and sends a message to the viewer’s as well. Based on Stephen king’s novella â€Å"Secret Window, Secret Garden† (1990) , this movie inspires people to take a look at themselves and decide what is good and bad.The movie was released in 2004, and was mentioned as one of the best work of Stephen King by all the film viewer’s and the critics. In this paper, the history, thesis, story, moral and a conclusion is given about the movie. The movie is a drama thriller and it keeps audience at the edge of their seats for the entire 106 minutes. The movie explains about the life of a writer who is in a state of depression after a divorce from his wife and how this incident changes his whole life. The suspense and thrillers in this movie will definitely make this movie very enjoyable.The purpose of this paper is to review the movie and explain how this movie can become a huge factor in the lives of the people. The goal of this paper is to show what it has given to its viewers and how this can affect them. Secret Window Secret Window is a psychological thriller released in 2004 and adapted from a Stephen King novel,† Secret Window, Secret Garden†. It stars Johnny Depp as Mort Rainey, a Successful mystery writer who is suffering from a serious case of writer’s block primarily caused by an unfortunate divorce from his wife Amy.Whom he caught cheating with her new boyfriend Ted Milner. Mort retreats to a lakeside cabin trying to finish a novel despite his lack of inspiration and growing resentment for his wife. Mort’s solitary life in the woods is disturbed when a mysterious man named John Shooter appears on his doorstep accusing him of plagiarism by claiming that Mort has word-for-word had stolen a story he had written years before, and published it in the Ellery Queen Street Magazine. The identical stories were Mort’s â€Å"Secret Window† and Shooter’s â€Å"Sowing Season†.Shooter demands to Mort,† Fix it. Make it Right! † in a southern accent and proposed to re work the ending of the story. The intruder Sends increasingly persuasive signals that he means business, first putting a screwdriver through Mort’s Dog, then burning down the New York home where Amy lives with her new partner before progressing to brutal murder. The movie ends when Mort realizes that Shooter is only a figment of his imagination, reveals this to his wife, and later kills her and her lover with a shovel and buries them in a garden where he later plants a crop of corn.By nature writers are quirky people. While they may pay attention to the mundane details of life in a painful manner, they are of ten unaware of their own behavior. While in the pursuit of a story they may pace around as the rough idea of pages come to them, or sit for hours staring at the screen thinking of the next precise word. They have a tendency to snack constantly rather than break for a meal and to remain in the same dirty clothes rather than break for a shower. I know this behavior because as a writer I’ve done all of it at some point or another.That’s the first part of the psychological thriller â€Å"Secret Window† that made me sits up and takes notice – a writer named Mort Rainey. In the film â€Å"Secret Window†, directed by David Koepp, the theme of the double is used to represent the protagonist’s â€Å"dark side†. This was realized through the portrayal of Shooter as Stalker and the use of two different kinds of hats, Mort’s depression from the divorce, and the ending in Mort’s story â€Å"Secret Window†. Rooney claimed that â€Å"the story is a chronicle of a man becoming steadily disturbed, engaged in a bickering dialogue with himself and increasingly ruled by the demons in his head†.Mort’s emotional trauma from the divorce robbed him off his inspiration and put him in a state of worst writer’s block. His negative feeling’s formed an evil-like alter-ego, in the person of Shooter, which overshadowed his real persona. Shooter was part of himself as displayed by his behaviors in the movie. First, Shooter seemed to appear at bad times, to know everything about Mort’s life and to make his quest for the magazine harder. Shooter accused that Mort copied a story he has written a few years back and demanded that Mort fixed it. Mort promised to get a copy of the magazine where the story was published to know his innocence.However, Shooter was a violent, impatient man, stalking Mort and making increasingly worse things happen as the magazine failed to arrive. Mort eventually lo cated the magazine that would have proven he published â€Å"Secret Window† before Shooter wrote â€Å"Sowing Season† but the story had been cut out. Second, there were two hats used in the film. One was Mort’s Knit hat and the other was Shooter’s tall brimmed hat. The hat represented two different personas. Whenever Mort got up from his couch of depression to do something he put on his going-out knit hat.Shooter’s hat was kept at a distance at first but began to close in on Mort as the story progressed. When he actually placed the hat on his own head, the dark inner workings of his soul were revealed. The use of Shooter also demonstrated the high cost of marital infidelity and the kind of evil that can be unleashed when one person chooses to follow his sinful desires. It presented the aftermath of divorce and the kind of nightmare that it brings. Mort’s fascination with unending naps and liquors, as well as his tendency to walk around in hi s wife’s tattered bathrobe and sport a weird hairdo revealed longing for his wife.Also, Mort’s work â€Å"Secret Window† which Shooter claimed as plagiarized narrated the experience of a man who is betrayed by his wife, and decides to kill her and bury her in her beloved garden. When Mort finally realized that Shooter was only a fabrication of his imagination brought so vividly to life through undetected dissociative identity disorder to commit acts that Mort himself felt he could not commit, his concerned ex-wife tried to help him out but Mort was already overpowered by Shooter. He killed his wife and lover with a shovel and buried them in a garden where he later planted with corn.The movie’s ending was highlighted with Mort’s line â€Å"The Only thing that matters is the ending†¦and this one’s perfect†. The finale showed that the evil has won. The local sheriff told Mort that he knew about the murder and as soon as the bodies w ere found, Mort would pay for the crime. Mort nonchalantly ignored the threat because he knew that the ending of his story would be an impeccable culmination. His decision to plant, grow and consume corn from the garden where his ex-wife and her lover were buried meant that he was actually destroying all the evidence needed to implicate him with the crime.In my opinion, Depp is definitely the highlight of the movie, which is good since he’s the character the movie revolves around. In interacting with his ex-wife (Maria Bello) we can see the pain and the love he still holds for her. Rainey’s spats with her boyfriend Ted (Timothy Hutton) show his anger. Yet none of that holds a candle to his conversations with himself. Rainey spends at least a third of the film alone, but we never feel that he’s isolated. Out-of-nowhere quips and commentary about the situations Rainey finds himself in provide real depth to Rainey as a struggling writer.That is where the real geniu s of Depp’s work on this character comes from. I think the director David Koepp does an excellent job of bringing â€Å"Secret Window† to the screen. On the writing side he has taken a short story by Stephen King and created a strong and suspenseful plot, highlighted by complete and memorable characters as a solid base for his actors to work with. On the directorial side, he understands how a psychological thriller should work and makes his movie follow those rules. The movie builds just as a story of this type should and the audience is never ahead of the movie.But Perhaps, I think that the biggest problem with the movie is Turturro's awful turn as Mississippi hick John Shooter. There is nothing menacing or threatening about this guy, even after he starts taking revenge on Rainey. He is simply annoying. The scenes between Shooter and Rainey are excruciating because the novelist is so obviously unimpressed by the threats that there is no tension built between the two. The rest of the cast, including Charles S. Dutton, as a private investigator, and Timothy Hutton as Amy's lover, are completely wasted and seem to be just going through the motions of this flat thriller.The biggest problem, however, is that because there is no menace or tension built up throughout the picture, the ending, for all its obviousness, seems rather abrupt and wholly unmotivated and without cause. All in all, this movie is a great movie to watch and is sure to have the audiences at the edge of their seats. There’s always something going on in the movie which will have the audience glued at their screens. The Movie was a creation that aspired to arouse psychological enquiry as well as portray the dilemma within human nature which is the battle between good and evil.The plot of the movie was a subtle journey from the lead character’s emotional and psychological stresses caused by the two most common traumas in human experience – infidelity and betrayal. Mort’s hatred towards his wife’s cheating consumed his creativity and left him in a state of severe incapability to even come up with a single line for a story. These negative emotional factors brought into life a dark alter-ego Shooter, who became his companion in a sinister of events that led him to realizing that his stalker was actually a fiction of his mind.Koepp’s movie was helpful in portraying that a person’s self can actually be his greatest enemy. As human’s experience life and it’s varying degrees of complexities and stresses, a person has to deal with letting go off the past and moving on with the present to have a renewed view of the future. It is narration of how a person writes his personal story by making important decisions. Mort had a hard time doing this. The book of his life started with chaos and he ended it by choosing evil, which was basically more chaotic. Hence, this movie is sure to have the audience interested and I personally enjoyed watching this movie.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

To What Extent Are a Company's Annual Report and Accounts Essay

To What Extent Are a Company's Annual Report and Accounts - Essay Example The decisions made by these executives are made on the basis of the calculations resulting from value added. If the value added ensures an improvement in the value of single unit of supply input then the decision is directed accordingly (Gilchrist, R., 1971). The concept of value added is greatly described by Bernard Cox in his book ‘Value Added: an appreciation for the accountant concerned with industry’. In this book the author has explained various methods through which value added can be made useful in managerial applications, evaluating the annual reports and account of the company. The most applicable way understanding and utilizing value added is to subtract purchases from sales and sum up profits generated by the company, depreciation expense accumulated over the assets, interest expense for the loans made by the company, payroll costs which is the amount paid to the employees and workers, dividends paid to the shareholders and tax paid to the government. The sub tracted amount represents that how the value added is created in the first place. All the expenses are summed up with the profits to get an amount which is then the representative of the generated amount by the company or in other words how the company has utilized its wealth (Cox, B., 1979). The value added calculation which is done to analyze a company’s overall performance level is somewhat similar to the calculations done to determine the national accounts with respect to the whole economy. Therefore it would be right to say that the concept of value added is not new for the accountants and financial professionals rather it do existed in the early 20th century as well. The similarly between national accounting and value added is briefly defined by Cox. He demonstrated... This paper approves that value added framework of accounting describes the current position of the company with respect to its productivity; that how much sales it has generated and where the revenues are spent, market share; which explains the growth rate of the company and also suggests the potential areas for further development, lastly, financial performance is analyzed through this substantial accounting tool, the loss/gain earned by the company including all the generated profits. At time value added is confused with the sales revenue despite of the fact that there is a marked difference between the two. This report makes a conclusion that the value added should not be misinterpreted with the sales revenue because it is the computation of the net instead of the gross production of any revenue generating institution whether it is a country, company or a factory. The importance of value added and its procedures is also emphasized by the Financial Accounting Standards Board by mentioning that the value added along with its procedures and calculations is as reliable as any other financial statement, for instance, the balance sheet. This infers that value added can be used extensively in order to make evaluations about the company performance and to make generalization about the overall industry. The famous brands Caterpillar and Komatsu can be compared with each other by calculating the valued added amount for one company and then make it a benchmark to compare the other company’s performance. The value added can also be used to identify the strong company when comparing two or mo re companies together.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Consumer Behaviour College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Consumer Behaviour College - Essay Example This term, central to any understanding of consumer behaviour, refers to how consumers view a product/service, its price and its quality, among others. It focuses on subjective consumer interpretations of a product's attributes versus its price, what its possession and use will contribute to a consumer versus its price. Within the context of consumer theory, personality has two meanings. The first is consumer personality and the second is brand personality. Ideally, correlation between the two motivates the consumer market to purchase the brand in question and exhibit loyalty towards it. In both instances, personality refers to perceived attributes and characteristics. Consumer market segmentation is integral to focused marketing and the identification of potential consumers. The elderly refers to the consumer market segment which is comprised of the aged, generally those at, or above, pension age. This type of segmentation is restricted to age. The second type of segmentation is concerned with economic status. It effectively refers to consumer income and, more specifically, to those in the upper income brackets. The affluent are the rich consumers, irrespective of gender and age. The ever-increasing popularity, both national and global, of plastic surgery is amply evidence in the appeal of television shows and serials such as "Extreme Makeover" and "Nip/Tuck." Plastic surgery is now openly discussed and is no longer confined to emergencies or to the female market. In other words, plastic/cosmetic surgery is regularly performed for beautification and anti-ageing purposes and not out of necessity and is now being undertaken by both males and females, not just the latter. 3.1 Industry Facts and Figures The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (cited in Ruiz, 2007) estimates that the number of cosmetics surgeries performed per year has increased by almost 50% from 2000 to 2006. Market researcher, writing on the size of the industry and market, assert the impossibility of gauging the size of the industry/market as statistics are based upon procedures performed in hospitals and not those carried out in private clinics (Davis, 1995). Hazarding a guess, nevertheless, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (cited in Ruiz, 2007) asserts that it is a multi-billion pound industry. Indeed, tens of billions of pounds are spent on the global plastic surgery industry per annum (Jeffreys, 2005). It is, in other words, an extremely lucrative, constantly growing market. 3.2 Consumer Characteristics Several

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Foreign Exchange Risk Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Foreign Exchange Risk - Case Study Example Another option to mitigate foreign exchange risk is the adaptation of foreign exchange services from a foreign currency exchange specialist. These specialists include the Canadian Forex and local banks in Canada. These experts will help reduce the risks associated with frequent transfers from Canadian dollars to the US dollar. This is done by entering into Canadian dollars earlier, and banks will only convert it during the payment period, so there will be no risk. The final and recommended option for mitigating risks is the purchase of foreign exchange contracts. In this case, Alliance will pay more cash than required to cover the costs of mitigation. This will cover any risk that may occur between the time when the money was deposited and the time of payment for the equipment to the supplier. For example, the price of equipment is $ 500,000, when the exchange rate is C $ 1.00 = U S 1.00. If the Alliance does not use the forward exchange contract and the payment time occurs when the exchange rate has moved by C $ 1.00 = 0.95 US dollars, then the Alliance will have to pay 526315 as the final price. This is $ 26,315 more than the original amount. But when the Alliance decides to buy a forward foreign exchange contract and which they decide with the bank to be one percent of the amount of Equipment, then the Alliance will have to pay 505,000. Therefore, the design concepts of the alliance will not worry about fluctuations in the exchange rate. They will save more than 21,000 US dollars.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Shawshank Redemption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Shawshank Redemption - Essay Example Since the movie is an adaptation of the book, it has certain dissimilarities and differences from the book. Some of the major differences are discussed. These cinematic changes did not really change the flavour of the story and probably the adaptation was necessary to bring out the real essence of the story in the movie. The first difference was the arrival of new prisoners. In the movie, the old prisoners bet with each other on which of the new prisoners would be the one to break down and cry. This is not mentioned in the story though there is a short reference towards the end about "cry baby" inmates, and how Andy was not one of them. The second point of difference was regarding the warden. In the story, the money Andy has in Mexico is his own, which had been invested under a fictional name by Andy’s friend as Andy was being taken into custody, tried, and convicted. The story also does not talk about how he dressed up after climbing through the sewage pipe. Additionally in t he story Warden Norton resigns, rather than committing suicide in his office as the police are standing outside his door. While in the movie, it is shown that Andy kept a second set of books for the warden, in a locker in the wall, and he channelled all the money into another account under an assumed name. When he ran away from the prison (wearing a set of the Warden Norton’s clothes) this is the capital he used to finance his new life in Mexico. Also in the novella, at the time Andy was in the prison, three wardens were at Shawshank, while in the movie only one warden is shown. The third disparity was with respect to the oldest inmate, Brookes. In the story, the oldest inmate Brooks dies in an old peoples’ home. And the crow which is shown as Brooks’s pet in the movie is actually a pigeon. It is a pet of another inmate and not Brooks. In the movie Jake who is a pet crow belongs to Brooks who sets it free once he is paroled. After just a short span of time out o f Shawshank, Brooks commits suicide by hanging himself in his room. The movie does not show give any future reference about the bird but in the story the bird is found dead in the yard one week later it was set free. Continuing the discussion on difference in the literary, Andy initially uses Rita Hayworth’s poster to hide his increasing get away tunnel. He then uses Raquel Welch’s poster, and by the time he finally flees from Shawshank, he has Linda Ronstadt’s poster to cover the mouth of the tunnel. Additionally there were three other posters were also mentioned in the story, Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Hazel Court. In comparison, in the celluloid version of the story, Andy first poster is of Rita Hayworth and when he flees, the mouth of the tunnel is covered by Raquel Welch’s poster. In the novella Warden Norton rips down the poster without realizing there is a gap there while in the cinema, he pelts rocks and one of them tears through the post er, and that is how the getaway excavation is revealed. Further in the cinema the mean and nasty prison guard Byron Hadley is arrested in the same sweep that causes the warden's suicide; in the story, he has a heart attack and retires much before the escape of Andy. The last scene of the movie shows Red walking towards Andy who is working on a boat on a beach. The book ends after Red finds the message and cash from Andy, and is on his way to Mexico. In the story he hopes, "that Andy is down there" and he also hopes that he can cross the border

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Linguistic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Linguistic - Essay Example Though advertisements do not take into consideration this matter, it indeed affects their effectiveness because; it determines how useful the advertisement will be, in terms of the number of people who understood it and the number of people who found it useful. Taking for example an advertisement given in Arabic; it is only persons who understand Arabic that will understand the advertisement. And thus, the market that it will create will be limited to Arabs only. Thus, with advertisers always targeting a wide market area, they will try to translate the advertisements into as many different languages as possible. The translation of the advertisement will always distort the intended message, with different cultures getting a different meaning of it all depending on the language that they use. Some advertisements may even become ambiguous when translated due to losing all their meaning. Sofer (2006, p. 100) states that in translation of advertisements one has to go beyond straight trans lation of text because he or she will be targeting a completely different audience, therefore, has to take into consideration issues such as political, cultural, and even religious issues. Other scholars also argue that translation is not just putting words in different languages but also involves finding the manner in which to put the words. This is because; what is morally upright in one language may become completely immoral when translated into another language. Hence, there are different subjects in regard of translation of advertisements which should be taken into account when placing out advertisements to the public. Culture The term culture has been defined differently by different scholars though all of the definitions revolve around beliefs, moral values, customs and practices, language factor, religion and ethnicity. Different cultures also can also be identified by the difference in the foods eaten. Some foods are also prohibited or even considered to be unclean by some cultural communities. Therefore, advertisements have to take such issues into consideration before going public. Taking for example and advertisement for pork would be fine according to the English men. But once translated to Arabic, it would be against their cultural and religious values since according to their culture, pork is unclean and not worthy to be eaten. Advertisements would thus, consider it wise to use general words which once translated would be acceptable to both English and Arabic cultures if they want to build a market in both areas. Taking another example of an advertisement about fast foods; we see that while French-fries and burgers will be considered to be fast-foods by English men, in the Arabic world a kind of food called ‘falafel’ is their fast-food. Thus, with such an ad might just not make any sense in the Arabic market if it still uses fries as fast-foods. The moral values of a culture should also be considered when placing advertisements; an issue that has been taken for granted by many advertisers. Some words like homosexuality may be general and normal when used in English advertisements. When such are however translated to other languages, they may lose meaning and imply something immoral. This mainly occurs due to non-equivalence which implies that the target language does not have a direct equivalent for a word in the source text (Baker, 1992, p. 20). Taking for instance, in Arabic, a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Henry George and Andrew Carnegie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Henry George and Andrew Carnegie - Essay Example Henry George had visited a lot of places to become a democrat and develop views against the corruption that was prevalent in a government set up. He closely analyzed the situation of poverty in the different cities of the world. He finally came to the conclusion that industrial capitalism was a ground reality which was increasing the poverty in the world. It was during his early times that the rail roads and tractors were coming as new technologies. But as he reviews in his book these new technologies were of no good to the poor community as they did not up heave the status of the poor communities (Henry 1). He rather saw all these new technologies as an act of deception to put the poor communities in a bitter turmoil where they could not avoid the overall situation. In his belief it was the material progress which was the primary reason of poverty and hence he was against industrial capitalism as a whole.Henry George had visited a lot of places to become a democrat and develop views against the corruption that was prevalent in a government set up. He closely analyzed the situation of poverty in the different cities of the world. He finally came to the conclusion that industrial capitalism was a ground reality which was increasing the poverty in the world. It was during his early times that the rail roads and tractors were coming as new technologies. But as he reviews in his book these new technologies were of no good to the poor community as they did not up heave the status of the poor communities (Henry 1).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Starting a Business Online Essay Example for Free

Starting a Business Online Essay Imagine that you own a small, local clothing store along the Jersey Shore boardwalk and decide that you want to engage in e-Commerce. Write a 4-5 page paper on the following: 1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of taking your small business online by performing a SWOT analysis. Include 2-4 items in each category. 2. Because the Internet connects computers all over the world, any business that engages in e-Commerce instantly becomes an international business. The key issues that any company faces when it conducts international commerce include trust, culture, language, government, and infrastructure. Explain how you would address each of these issues. 3. Businesses that operate on the Web must comply with the same laws and regulations that govern the operations of all businesses, but they face 2 additional complicating factors as they try to comply with the law. First, the Web extends a company’s reach beyond traditional boundaries. Second, the Web increases the speed and efficiency of business communications. Explain how you would overcome these complicating factors that come with e-Commerce in order to comply with the law. 4. Law enforcement agencies have difficulty combating many types of online crime. Describe 2 online crimes prevalent in e-Commerce and what you would do to prevent these crimes. Your assignment must: 1. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes  associated with this assignment are: 3. Identify the basic elements of the technology infrastructure used to conduct electronic business. 4. Explain the basic communications and network concepts used in electronic commerce and the basic functioning of the Internet and the World Wide Web. 5. Describe the critical legal and ethical issues related to electronic commerce. 6. Use technology and information resources to research issues in fundamentals of e-business. 7. Write clearly and concisely about fundamentals of e-business using proper writing mechanics. Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Click here to view the grading rubric.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Boston Red Sox Spring Training Stadium Essay Example for Free

Boston Red Sox Spring Training Stadium Essay Figure 1 the center of gravity model According to the requirement from City Council Members, the weighted of important places (included the Population Center) had ranked in the table above. The highest weight mean the important of that location. Therefore, according to the center gravity model, the best result of the training stadium site is the red dot in the figure 1. 2) Weighted Scoring Model Table 2 Calculation of Weight Scoring Model (Considering the Cost) According to table, the best stadium site from all the candidate would be Site C, because the weighted score of Site C is the highest among all Sites. However, the weight ranked by the important of the issues in the future. On the other hand, the Site C does not include the Cost of the Land, because it is a wetland and preserve area, so that it is not fair to other sites, which they have the land cost. Therefore, I come up with the new Table that not consider the cost of the land. Table 3 Calculation of Weight Scoring Model (without Considering the Land Cost) Therefore, it turn out to be that the Site D has the best score among all the sites. PS: The minus sign means the value is negative because it is a cost. 3) Combine the result from Center of Gravity Model and Weight Scoring Model Accord to the answers from Figure1 and Table3, the best result would be the Stadium Site A because it in between the â€Å"Best Point† and the weight scoring is nearly the same as site-D 4) Final Recommendation According to these analysis and modeling, the best site would be the Site A  for two reasons. First, Site A is closed to two major Shopping Malls, which this could provide the jobs in the area and generate more revenue in the area. Second, it is very close to the Interstate 75 (I-75) which means it is very easy to access the stadium from the Airport and the stadium would be the new landmark for the city, because the stadium would huge enough for seeing from the I-75. However, the cost of the utility is highest among those sites, but for the long-run with revenue that generate from the long lease with Red Sox team, it is a guarantee that the revenue will cover all the cost and generate a really nice profit for the city. Therefore, Site A is the best suite for the new Boston Red Sox Spring Training Stadium that generate the better economic in the local businesses in the shopping malls and area around there and also created the new landmark for the city that is very easy to access from the interstate 75.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflection Has Become An Important Concept In Nursing Nursing Essay

Reflection Has Become An Important Concept In Nursing Nursing Essay Introduction In recent years, reflection has undoubtedly become an important concept in nursing, stimulating debate and influencing nursing practice and education around the world. Much has been written about the theory of reflection, the majority of which has been applied to the educational setting (Price 2004). However, the process of reflecting has been described as a transferable skill which may be incorporated into clinical practice, enabling practitioners to better understand themselves and others, and solve problems (Mantzoukas Jasper 2004). Indeed, the capability to reflect consciously upon ones professional practice is generally considered important for the development of education and, hence, for clinical expertise (Mamede Schmidt 2004). Reid (1993) defines reflection as a process of reviewing an experience of practice in order to describe, analyse, evaluate and so inform learning about practice (Reid 1993, p. 305). The nursing profession seems to advocate the need for nurses to be educated and practice in ways that develop their critical thinking, autonomy and sensitivity to others (Reed Ground 1997). Bulman (2004) contends that reflective practice may provide a means of achieving this. Within an intensive care setting, some evidence exists to suggest a strong relationship between lived experience and learning, with most critical care practitioners learning from previous experience (Hendricks et al 1996). More recently, reflection has been closely associated with the concepts of critical thinking and deconstruction. It is argued that a combination of these principles create a retrospective and prospective dimension, giving the practitioner the ability to deconstruct events, to reason the origins of situations, and to consider what has gone before and what may happen yet (Rolfe 2005). In order to be effective in practice there is a requirement to be purposeful and goal directed. It is suggested therefore that reflection cannot just be concerned with understanding, but must also focus on locating practice within its social structures, and on changing practice (Bolton 2001). This suggests that a structured approach to reflection is of benefit to the practitioner. Indeed the use of a model or framework of reflection is advocated as a tool which can aid and facilitate the practitioner in reflection, promoting a process of continuous development (Bulman 2004). Reflection is seen as a dynamic process and not a static one (Duke 2004), and thus the use of a framework which adopts a cyclic approach to reflective practice seems appropriate. One such framework is Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle, which is adapted form a framework of experiential learning, and uses a series of questions to guide, and provide structure for the practitioner when reflecting on an experience. Gibbs (1988) highlights 6 important areas of consideration when reflecting on a specific situation, encouraging the practitioner to consider what happened, why it happened and what could be done differently in the future. The 6 components of the Reflective Cycle are outlined below: Description What happened? Feelings What were you thinking and feeling? Evaluation What was good and bad about the situation? Analysis What sense can you make of the situation? Conclusion What else could you have done? Action Plan If the situation arose again, what would you do? It is clear that the idea of reflective practice has come to have a considerable impact on the nursing profession. This paper will focus on 2 clinical scenarios occurring within an intensive care setting. The issues raised will be discussed within the context of Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. The aim in doing so is to highlight the benefits of a structured reflective process, and to identify ways in which clinical practice may be improved in the future. Scenario 1 Description The first scenario concerns the care of an elderly, critically ill patient, who was being treated in a surgical intensive care unit. At the time of this scenario the patient had been in intensive care for almost 3 weeks, having been admitted with respiratory failure requiring intubation, and displaying clinical symptoms consistent with sepsis. The patient had many other underlying medical problems, was morbidly obese, and despite antibiotic therapy was requiring high levels of inotropic and ventilatory support. Despite the patients symptoms, no definite source of sepsis had been identified. The above patient was being cared for by the author on a 12 hour day shift and at the morning ward round it was noted that the patients condition had deteriorated significantly over the previous 2 days, with increased inotrope dependence and worsening renal function. With few treatment options left to try, the consultant anaesthetist decided that the patient should have a CT scan to identify or rule out an abdominal problem as a source of the sepsis. The patient was reviewed by a consultant surgeon who felt that in view of the patients co-morbidity, surgery of any kind would not be appropriate, despite potential positive findings on CT. Knowing that a CT scan had been carried out 1 week previously with no significant findings, the author raised concerns about the benefit of such a procedure, and suggested that at the very least the patients family should be informed or consulted about the planned investigation. The patients son had been spoken to the previous day and informed that the prognosis was very poor. Withdrawal of treatment had been mentioned as a possibility in the event of no improvement in the patients condition. The son however was not informed about the scan which went ahead the same day. Transferring the patient to the radiology department for scan proved difficult. The patient was sedated for transfer resulting in a need for increased inotropes due to further hypotension caused by the sedation. The patients large size also created a problem in finding an appropriate transfer trolley to take the patients weight. Again the author voiced concerns, stating that perhaps transfer was inadvisable in view of the patients unstable cardiovascular status. The anaesthetist decided that we should proceed with the scan. The patient remained unstable throughout the transfer, requiring a further increase in inotropes on arrival at scan. Whilst on the CT table, the patient became dangerously hypotensive and bradycardic, and it seemed that cardiac arrest was imminent. Adrenaline boluses were administered, and large fluid boluses of gelofusine were also given. In view of this, the CT scan was abandoned midway, and the patient was quickly transferred back to ICU. Further adrenaline boluses were needed during transfer. On arrival back to ICU, the author was met by the patients son, who was not aware that the patient was being scanned. He was made aware of the patients poor condition. Back in ICU it was decided that further resuscitation was not appropriate. The son was present when the patient died a few minutes later. Feelings On the day these events took place, the predominant thoughts and feelings of the author were ones of guilt and inadequacy. Having considered the multiple health problems faced by the patient at this time, the author felt that the process of transferring the patient to CT scan and carrying out the scan itself may cause the patient stress, discomfort and potential danger, and ultimately be of little or no benefit. During the transfer and scanning process, the author became increasingly anxious about the immediate safety of the patient, and the potential for deterioration in the patients condition. When the patient became dangerously bradycardic and hypotensive, the authors thoughts were concentrated on trying to prevent cardiac arrest. On returning to ICU and meeting the patients son, it seemed that neither the dignity of the patient or the concerns of the family had been respected. The author felt an inadequacy and felt that the interests of the patient had not been properly advocated. The patient passed away in a distressing and undignified manner, and the son did not have the opportunity to spend personal time with the patient prior to this happening. The author felt guilty, as it seemed that the CT scan should not have happened and that the undignified circumstances surrounding the patients death need not have occurred. Evaluation Looking back on the events of scenario 1, it seems that there were both positive and negative aspects to the experience. During transfer to CT scan and the emergency situation which followed, the author felt that there was good teamwork between the different professionals involved in the care of the patient. Because of this, prompt action was taken, preventing cardiac arrest. However, it seems that this situation may have been avoided, which in turn raises many questions relating to the care of the patient. Ethically, one must question how appropriate it was to scan a severely septic, unstable patient, especially when corrective treatments would have been inappropriate in the event of an abnormality being discovered. Should the author have advocated the interests of the patient and family more forcefully? Was there a lack of communication and consensus between the critical care team? The events of this incident culminated in a clinical emergency situation which led to the patients death. Thus, the author feels that the patients clinical condition and the ethical issues and dilemmas surrounding the patients care must be examined and discussed, in the hope that lessons can be learned through the reflective process. Analysis Sepsis Most illness and death in patients in intensive care is caused by the consequences of sepsis and systemic inflammation. Indeed, sepsis affects 18 million people worldwide each year (Slade et al 2003), with severe sepsis remaining the highest cause of death in patients admitted to non-coronary intensive care units (Edbrooke et al 1999). Sepsis is a complex condition that results from an infectious process, and is the bodys response to infection. It involves systemic inflammatory and cellular events that result in altered circulation and coagulation, endothelial dysfunction, and impaired tissue perfusion (Kleinpell 2004). Dellinger et al (2004) define sepsis as the systemic response to infection manifested by 2 or more of the following: High or low temperature (>38 °C or Heart rate > 90 beats per minute Respiratory rate > 20 breaths per minute or PaCO2 High or low white blood cell count (> 12,000 or In severe sepsis impaired tissue perfusion along with micro vascular coagulation can lead to multiple organ system dysfunction, which is a major cause of sepsis-related mortality (Robson Newell 2005). While all organs are prone to failure in sepsis, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and renal dysfunction occur most commonly (Hotchkiss Karl 2003). When multiple organ system dysfunction occurs, Dolan (2003) promotes evidence-based sepsis treatment whereby patients should receive targeted organ support. This includes mechanical ventilation, renal replacement therapy, fluids, vasopressor or inotropic administration, and blood product administration, to maximize perfusion and oxygenation. In recent years new therapies have emerged which have been shown, in some cases, to increase the chance of survival from severe sepsis. Recombinant human activated protein C has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic and pro-fibrinolytic properties (Dolan 2003). In a randomised controlled trial, Bernard et al (2001) found a significant reduction in the mortality of septic patients who had been treated with activated protein C. The National Institute for clinical excellence (2004) now recommends this treatment for adult patients who have severe sepsis resulting in multiple organ failure, and who are being provided with optimal ICU support. Steroids, the use of which in ICU has long been debated, have also been shown, in low doses, to reduce the risk of death in some patients in septic shock (Annane 2000). Despite the development of specific treatments to interrupt or control the inflammatory and procoagulant process associated with sepsis, its management remains a major challenge in healthcare (Kleinpell 2004). The patient in scenario 1 was clearly in a state of severe sepsis, with respiratory, cardiac and renal failure, and receiving some of the supportive treatments mentioned above. Indeed it seems that the severity of this condition should not have been underestimated. In view of this, the ethical issues surrounding the decision to take this patient to CT scan must now be considered. Ethical Dilemmas and Consensus Ethical issues have emerged in recent years as a major component of health care for critically ill patients (Friedman 2001). Thus, caring for these patients in an intensive care setting necessitates that difficult ethical problems must be faced and resolved (Fisher 2004). Traditionally, much of the literature in biomedical ethics comes from theoretical perspectives that include principled ethics, caring ethics and virtue ethics (Bunch 2002). Although these perspectives provide an ethical awareness, which can be helpful, they do not of necessity give much direction for clinical practice. Melia (2001) supports this notion, suggesting that many discussions of ethical issues in health care are presented from a moral philosophical viewpoint, which as a consequence leaves out the clinical and social context in which decisions are taken and carried through. Beauchamp Childress (1994) identify 5 principles pertinent to decision making in intensive care. These are: salvageability, life preservation, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice. Ethical dilemmas occur when two or more of the above principles come into conflict. The principles of beneficence (doing good), non-maleficence (doing no harm) and justice (fair treatment) are well established within the field of bioethics. Within a critical care context however, the dilemma between salvageability and life preservation becomes an important focus for health care professionals. Indeed, Prien Van Aken (1999) raise the question of whether all medical means to preserve life have to be employed under all circumstances, or are there situations in which we should not do everything that it is possible to do. This question becomes particularly relevant when a patients condition does not improve but rather deteriorates progressively. Curtin (2005) suggests that at some point in the course of t reatment, the line between treating a curable disease and protracting an unpreventable death can be crossed. In such incidences Prien Van Aken (1999) identify a transitional zone between the attempt to treat the patient, and the prolongation of dying, in which a conflict between the principles of life preservation and non-maleficence develops. These concepts seem particularly relevant to scenario 1 where the interests of the patient may have been neglected in favour of further attempts to treat the patients condition. This, in turn created a conflict between the principles of salvageability and life preservation. The decision to perform a CT scan on a patient with such cardiovascular instability and a very poor prognosis, meant that the patient was subjected to dangers and harms when there were few, if any benefits to justify this. Hence, the conflict between the ethical principles was not resolved, and the professional duty of non-maleficence toward the patient was not respected. Such conflicts and dilemmas in intensive care can be made all the harder by the availability of advanced technologies. Callahan (2003) writes that one of the most seductive powers of medical technology is to confuse the use of technology with a respect for the sanctity of life. In addition, Fisher (2004) contends that it has become all too easy to think that if one respects the value of life, and technology has the power to extend life, then a failure to use it is a failure to respect that value. This is particularly true of diagnostic technologies (such as CT scanning) which must be used with caution, especially in cases where the diagnostic information will make little or no difference to the treatment of the patient, but can create or heighten anxiety and discomfort for the patient (Callahan 2003). Medical technology is a two-edged sword, capable of saving and improving life but also of ending and harming life (Curtin 2005). Good critical care medicine carries the responsibility o f preserving life, on the one hand, and making possible a peaceful death, on the other. Callahan (2003) concludes by warning that any automatic bias in favour of using technology will threaten that latter possibility. Consensus between members of the intensive care team is also highlighted as an important issue in ethical decision making. Effective communication and collaboration among medical and nursing staff are essential for high quality health care (Woodrow 2000). Collaboration can be seen as working together, sharing responsibility for solving problems, and making decisions to formulate and execute plans for patient care (Gedney 2000 p.41). In intensive care units where ethical problems are faced frequently, care has to be a team effort (Fisher 2004). In a qualitative study, Melia (2001) found that there was a strong desire within the intensive care team that ethical and moral consensus should be achieved in the interests of good patient care, even though it was recognised that there is no legal requirement for nurses to agree with ICU decisions. Cobaoglu Algier (2004) however, found that the same ethical dilemma was perceived differently by medics and nurses with the differences being related to the hospitals hierarchical structure and the traditional distinctions between the two professions. Similarly, it has been observed that differences between doctors and nurses in ethical dilemmas were a function of the professional role played by each, rather than differences in ethical reasoning or moral motivation (Oberle Hughes 2001). It seems therefore that while the medical and nursing professions share the same aims for patient outcomes, the ideas surrounding how these outcomes should be achieved may differ (Fisher 2004). These differences have contributed to the development of the concept of the nurse as patient advocate, which sees advocacy as a fundamental and integral role in the caring relationship, and not simply as a single component of care (Snowball 1996). The role of the nurse advocate should be that of mediator and facilitator, negotiating between the different health and illness perspectives of patient, doctor, and other health care professionals on the patients behalf (Mallik 1998). Empirical evidence is sparse and philosophical arguments seem to predominate in the field of patient advocacy. There is some evidence to suggest that nurse advocacy has had beneficial outcomes for the patient and family in critical care areas (Washington 2001). Hewitt (2002) however found that humanistic arguments that promote advocacy as a moral imperative are compelling. Benner (1984) writes of advocacy within the context of being with a patient in such a way that acknowledges your shared humanity, which is the base of nursing as a caring practice (Benner 1984, p. 28). It has been argued that advocacy, at least in a philosophical sense, is the foundation of nursing itself and as such should be regarded as an issue of great importance by all practitioners (Snowball 1996). Conclusion It can be concluded that sepsis in a critical care environment is a complex condition with a high mortality rate, requiring highly specialised treatments. As such, the ethical issues and dilemmas faced by health care staff caring for a septic patient can be both complex and far reaching. It must be noted, that there can be no general solutions for such ethical conflicts; each clinical case must be evaluated individually with all its associated circumstances. A study of ethical principles would suggest that it is important that the benefits of a specific treatment or procedure are established prior to implementation, and that these benefits outweigh any potential harms or risks to the patient. The ultimate decision maker in the scenario under discussion was the consultant anaesthetist, who should have provided a clearer rationale for performing a CT scan on such an unstable patient. As the nurse caring for the patient, the author recognises that the final decision regarding treatment rested with the anaesthetist. However, the author could have challenged the anaesthetists decision further, advocating the patients interests, with the aim of reaching a moral consensus within the team. Perhaps then the outcome would have been more favourable for all concerned. Action Plan By reflecting on this scenario, the author has gained an understanding of sepsis and the potential ethical problems which may be encountered when caring for a septic or critically ill patient. As a result, the author feels more confident to challenge those decisions made relating to treatment, which do not seem to be in the best interest of the patient, or which have the potential to cause more harm than good. The author now has a greater understanding of the professional responsibility to advocate on a patients behalf, with the aim of safeguarding against possible dangers. It is hoped that this will result in improved outcomes for patients in the authors care. Scenario 2 Description This incident occurred in a surgical intensive care unit while the author was looking after a ventilated patient who had undergone a laparotomy and right sided hemi-colectomy 2 days previously. Around 10.30am the patient was reviewed by medical staff and was found to be awake and alert with good arterial blood gases, and requiring minimal ventilatory support. In view of this, it was decided that the patients support should be reduced further, and providing this reduction was tolerated, that the patient should be extubated later in the morning. In the intensive care unit in which the author works an intensive insulin infusion protocol is used (see Appendix A). This is a research based protocol which aims to normalize blood glucose levels and thus improve clinical outcomes for critically ill patients. All patients on this protocol require either to be absorbing enteral feed at à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥30ml/hr, on TPN or on 5% dextrose at 100ml/hr (Appendix A, note 2). The patient involved in this incident was receiving enteral feed via a naso-gastric tube, and was on an insulin infusion which was running at 4 U/hr. When it was decided that the patient was to be extubated, the author stopped the enteral feed as a precaution, to prevent possible aspiration during or after extubation. The author however did not stop the insulin infusion which breached the protocol guidelines. About 12 noon the patients blood gases showed that the reduction in support had been tolerated, and so the patient was extubated. Shortly after this the author was asked to go for lunch break and so passed on to a colleague that the patient had recently been extubated but was managing well on face mask oxygen. Returning from lunch 45 minutes later, the author found the patient to be disorientated and slightly confused. With good oxygen saturations, the author doubted that the confusion had resulted from hypoxia or worsening blood gases. The author then realised that the insulin infusion had not been stopped with the enteral feed earlier. A check of the patients blood glucose level showed that it was 1.2mmol/L. The author immediately stopped the insulin infusion, administered 20mls of 50% dextrose intravenously, as per protocol, and recommenced the enteral feed. Twenty minutes later, the patients blood glucose level had risen to 3.7mmol/L. The patient continued on the insulin protocol maintaining blood glucose levels within an adequate range. There were no lasting adverse effects resulting from the hypoglycaemic episode. Feelings When it was realised that the insulin infusion had not been stopped, the author felt a sense of panic, anticipating correctly that the patients blood glucose level would be dangerously low. Thoughts then became concentrated on raising the blood glucose level, to ensure that no further harm would come to the patient as a result of the authors mistake. Following the incident, when the patients glucose levels had risen, feelings of guilt were prominent. At this point the author realised how much worse the outcome could have been for the patient. The author felt incompetent, knowing that the patient could have been much more severely affected, or could even have died as the result of such a simple mistake. Evaluation The events of scenario 2 highlight the fact that clinical errors, while easily made, can have potentially disastrous consequences. This is especially true of those errors which involve the administration of drugs intravenously. In the interest of patient safety, it is important that all such errors are avoided. The clinical error outlined above could easily have been avoided. It seems that there was not sufficient awareness, on the authors part, of the insulin infusion protocol and the guidelines concerning the administration of insulin. As a result, the insulin protocol was not adhered to. The following analysis therefore will focus on the importance of insulin therapy in critical care areas, and will consider the safety issues surrounding intravenous drug administration. Analysis Blood Glucose Control in Intensive Care It is well documented that critically ill patients who require prolonged intensive care treatment are at high risk of multiple organ failure and death (Diringer 2005). Extensive research over the last decade has focused on strategies to prevent or reverse multiple organ failure, only a few of which have revealed positive results. One of these strategies is tight blood glucose control with insulin (Khoury et al 2004). It is well known that any type of acute illness or injury results in insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and hyperglycaemia, a constellation which has been termed the diabetes of stress (McCowen et al 2001). In critically ill patients, the severity of this condition has been shown to reflect the risk of death (Laird et al 2004). Much has been learned recently about the negative prognostic effects of hyperglycemia in critically ill patients. Hyperglycaemia adversely affects fluid balance, predisposition to infection, morbidity following acute cardiovascular events, and can increase the risk of renal failure, neuropathy and mortality in ICU patients (DiNardo et al 2004). Research suggests that there are distinct benefits of insulin therapy in improving clinical outcomes. Such benefits have been seen in patients following acute myocardial infarction, and in the healing of sternal wounds in patients who have had cardiac surgery (Malmberg 1997; Furnary et al 1999). More recently Van den Berghe et al (2001) conducted a large, randomized, controlled study involving adults admitted to a surgical intensive care unit who were receiving mechanical ventilation. The study demonstrated that normalisation of blood glucose levels using an intensive insulin infusion protocol improved clinical outcomes in critically ill patients. In particular, intensive insulin therapy was shown to reduce ICU mortality by 42%, and significantly reduce the incidences of septicaemia, acute renal failure, prolonged ventilatory support, and critical illness polyneuropathy. The length of stay in intensive care was also significantly shorter for patients on the protocol. It is unclear as to why improved glycaemic control has been associated with improved outcomes in several clinical settings. Coursin and Murray (2003) have summarized several leading hypotheses including maintenance of macrophage and neutrophil function, enhancement of erythropoiesis, and the direct anabolic effect of insulin on respiratory muscles. The potential anti-inflammatory effects of insulin have also been evaluated (Das 2001). There is also uncertainty over whether it is the actual insulin dose received per se, or the degree of normoglycaemia achieved that is responsible for the beneficial effects of intensive glycaemic management. Van den Berghe (2003) analysed the data derived from their 2001 study and have concluded that the degree of glycaemic control, rather the quantity of insulin administered was associated with the decrease in mortality and organ system dysfunction. In a follow up to Van den Berghe et als 2001 study, Langouche et al (2005) found that a significant part of the improved patient outcomes were explained by the effects of intensive insulin on vascular endothelium. The vascular endothelium controls vasomotor tone and micro-vascular flow, and regulates trafficking of nutrients and several biologically active molecules (Aird 2003). Langouche et al (2005) conclude that maintaining normoglycaemia with intensive insulin therapy during critical illness protects the vascular endothelium and thereby contributes to the prevention of organ failure and death. Whatever the reasons for improved patient outcomes, the study by Van den Burghe et al (2001) has prompted much research in this field, all of which has yielded similar results. In a similar study, Krinsley (2004) found that the use of an insulin protocol resulted in significantly improved glycaemic control and was associated with decreased mortality, organ dysfunction, and length of stay in the ICU in a heterogeneous population of critically ill adult patients. Thus it seems that with the strength of the emerging data in support of a more intensive approach to glycaemic management, insulin infusions are being utilised with increasing frequency, and are considered by many to be the standard of care for critically ill patients (DiNardo et al 2004). It is important to note that a well recognised risk of intensive glucose management is hypoglycaemia. Indeed Goldberg et al (2004) emphasise that in the ICU setting where patients often cannot report or respond to symptoms, the potential for hypoglycaemia is of particular concern. The events of scenario 2 highlight the authors error in the administration of insulin resulting in hypoglycaemia. For this reason some issues surrounding intravenous drug therapy will now be discussed. Intravenous Drug Therapy There is an increasing recognition that medication errors are causing a substantial global public health problem. Many of these errors result in harm to patients and increased costs to health providers (Wheeler Wheeler 2005). In the intensive care unit, patients commonly receive multiple drug therapies that are prescribed either for prophylactic indications or for treatment of established disease (Dougherty 2002). Practitioners caring for these patients find themselves in the challenging position of having to monitor these therapies, with the goal of maximizing a beneficial therapeutic response, as well as minimizing the occurrence of any adverse drug-related outcome (Cuddy 2000). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2004) identifies the preparation and administration of medicines as an important aspect of professional practice, stressing that it is not merely a mechanistic task performed in strict compliance with a written prescription, but rather a task that requires thought and professional judgement. Heatlie (2003) found that the introduction of new insulin protocols and regimes could g

Thursday, September 19, 2019

staffing policies Essay -- essays research papers

CURRENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES In order to maintain a competitive edge and consistently reduce staffing issues, many companies have turned to alternative methods of staffing. As companies continue to ‘change with the times’, so do their staffing needs. Therefore, the traditional hiring of a full time employee is not the only option. Companies have turned to more effective ways of getting the job done. They are using outside sources to recruit employees. United Healthcares hiring practices will be utilized in this report to identify the ways in which a company fills its open positions. First there is the process of finding external candidates for a position. The company uses a variety of sources to recruit these candidates:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Newspaper advertisements  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Employment Agencies  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Search firms  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Staffing agencies  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internet  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Employee referrals  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Networking  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  America's Job Bank On occasion Untied may have the need for a contracted or temporary employee. It is important that It is understood that, â€Å" contract services personnel, independent contractors, or vendors, are employees of companies under contract to United Health Group, not employees of United Health Group. The needs of the business may require that we use contract services personnel fo...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Drovers Wife: Hardship of Life in the Outback :: Drovers Wife Essays

The Drover's Wife: Hardship of Life in the Outback The short-story "The Drover's Wife" is written by Henry Lawson, Australia's most famous short-story writer and poet. "The Drover's Wife" is probably Lawson's best-known work, and was first published in the collection entitled "While the Billy Boils" in 1892. Lawson was deeply interested in the effects of the harsh Australian outback on people's lives, having himself spent 18 months in the bush. This was expressed in a number of so-called "bush ballads" and stories, "The Drover's Wife" being one of them. This short-story has the Australian bush or outback as its setting. This is revealed in the two first paragraphs, where the author makes a short and precise description of the little house and the surrounding landscape. To tell the time of the story is, however, more difficult. The text gives us only a few clues to when it might have happened. The most obvious one is, "The drought of 18 - ruined him". First I thought that 18 meant 1918, but considering that the short-story was written in 1892, this must be wrong. The year referred to is most probably 1818. The main conflict in "The Drover's Wife" is perhaps not so evident as we may think. At first it is quite easy to imagine that there is a conflict between the bush woman and the snake. The reason for that is that the snake is a threat to the woman. If she does not kill it, the snake can bite one of the children, which will be a disaster since it is nineteen miles to the nearest neighbor. The child would be dead before they could get help. However, this conflict is only a consequence of the main conflict, which is mentioned in a sentence early in the text, "The drover, an ex-squatter, is away with sheep. His wife and children are left here alone." The main problem is that the wife is left alone to deal with the hardships of life in the Australian bush. In my opinion Lawson uses the incident with the snake to uncover the bush woman's struggles against the outback. The point of view used in "The Drover's Wife" is the Third person Limited voice. Lawson has told the story form the bush woman's perspective. That allows us to see into her thoughts and feelings.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Leading By Example

How we relate to others is as varying as the stars In our solar system. For some, political leaders like Bark Obama and Sarah Plain display specific attributes on a dally basis. These characteristics are recognized globally as pillars of change and structure in today's American society. Although not every decision these persons in power choose is supported by â€Å"the people†, it is easy to question where their particular morals come from. Reflecting on my own personal exposure to literature such as â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† by Harper Lee, I imagine examples such as TacticsFinch stood as a concrete Image for current world leaders to model their behaviors after. Like Tactics, today's leaders face challenges maintaining personal Integrity, human decency toward others, courage, and respect both by and for one another. Those who have read the book may easily agree to the belief that Tactics truly was a great leader by utilizing these concepts in his daily life. His abil ity to connect to others on even the most challenging of levels shows the true courage needed to lead a community which is not truly united.It was during the cultural mixing of the sass's hat Lee's â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† shows the first acknowledgement of change for the country leadership. Although the character of Tactics exists wealth the pages of Lee's creation, leaders like Tactics stand out as influential members of society, both in personal and civic relationships. While discussing the famous trial case of Tom Robinson Tactics explains to his daughter Scout the importance of valuing others' opinions when they don't align with your own.He says, â€Å"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect of their opinions. But before I can live tit other folks Eve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule Is a person's conscience. † In attempts to also bring peace to an escalated situation President Ob ama shared words encouraging mutual respect. William Scott Harrow details the address given by Bark Obama focusing on Iran's policy on mutual respect matters. â€Å"To denounce or shrug Off call for cooperation is an easy but also a cowardly thing to do.That's how wars begin. That's where human progress ends†¦ A sustained effort†¦ We need to find common ground, to focus on the true we seek for our children, and to respect the dignity of all human beings. † As I listen to friends share memories of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird†, a common word has been repeated by each of them, courage. Their eyes lit up with appreciation, thinking about the numerous times where Tactics demonstrated courage. Whether he was essentially forced to shoot a senile pet or fending off a crowd of angry townsmen he maintained a state of focus.It was during these times Tactics shared with his son the importance of taking a stand and having courage to lead others, even when they don't all a gree with you. He says totes, â€Å"A mob's always made up of people, no matter what. Mr.. Cunningham was part of a mob last night, but he was still a man. † Instead of being angry with the dangerous group Tactics embraced compassion and faith, not fear. Keeping in mind that our economy harbors countless ideals of morality and human decency, I am reminded off quote Sarah Plain expressed during an Interview. â€Å"Faith that every baby Is created for a good purpose†¦ Plain was agree with the belief that all existing humanity deserves an enriched life, but the agree to how this point of view is mandated oftentimes sits uneasy with the majority of communities. Nonetheless Plain leads other groups in harmony, sharing one direction. Tactics Finch, during his time, was not among the many. His view of public decency was held higher than the general person. This did not allow him, however, to lessen his sense of retribution. He so greatly believed the actions taken for one man resulted in the good for humanity. This is why so many did have respect for him.Without negating the position of others Tactics respectfully managed a mom absent of a mother for his two children. Surrounded by women with means to raise Gem and Scout, Finch chose to take an active role as a mentor and father. This compassion earned the greatest respect of all, from Scout. And as any true leader does, succession brings action. â€Å"So I took an eight-year old child to bring ‘me to their senses, didn't it? That proves something-that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human. Humph, maybe we need a police force of children†¦ Oh children last night made Walter Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute. That was enough. † Acknowledging growth fosters the greatest forms of leadership. This story shows true life examples of how today we have the opportunity to create value from pain and injustice. Scout's connection to reality through her r elationships help demonstrate the effectiveness of Finch's role as a leader. Harper Lee described Scout's experience through the sight of a child, although speaking with an educated dialect. The example led by Tactics Finch trickled down on a daily basis.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Political speech

Today, I am going to talk about education, because I believe in education and in that a good education can make a big difference. I would like to start with a short phrase â€Å"Education is a key to success†. It gives us knowledge of the world around us, while peeing doors to opportunities.Education builds confidence to make decisions, to face life, and to accept successes and failures. The best way to reach career success is to establish a strategy and set goals. Education can be a source that could lead someone for a better future. Waking up early In the morning or staying late at night to study for exams Is not an easy task to do. But If we ask us, what is success? For example for someone, success Is the accomplishment of the goal aimed by a person.But for me, It Is when we have determination and patience with what we are doing. And how come education becomes the key to success? In modern and competitive through education, we can learn more and improve ourselves. Professio nals as teachers, doctors, engineers and translators surely give importance to their education. With proper training and knowledge, it is possible for them to perform their best in their careers and to be successful in their areas.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Monologue for an Onion Analysis Essay

â€Å"Monologue for an Onion† is an ingenious method for layering meaning through metaphor. The poem uses the simple task of peeling an onion as a metaphor for complicated and malicious relationships between people. The onion as a metaphor does not seem extraordinary in itself; but, upon reading one will discover that the author discusses â€Å"layers† and peeling them away to receive the truth. This is true; however, there is a larger irony at play here. Suji Kwock Kim, the author gives a sense that the onion is begging someone to stop peeling, cutting, chopping and relentlessly searching, while the other person feels compelled to do the contrary. The author uses the metaphorical concept of an onion to personify her own layers of humanity. The onion begins by stating, â€Å"I don’t mean to make you cry,† (1) as the person is peeling the layers apart. The onion states, â€Å"Poor deluded human: you seek my heart† (6), the individual is peeling away at its layers to understand what is at the core. However, the author blatantly states that â€Å"I am pure onion-pure onion/ Outside and in. † (8-9) Regardless, of the peeling which takes place on the outside it is senseless, because the inside remains unchanged. This implicit comparison shows cleverness and originality by expressing no change in a person’s interior versus their exterior. The narrator metaphorically shows compassion for the individual as she does not have the heart he is seeking, and the culprit is accused of pursuing false hopes. As layers peel away, the tone of the poem goes from displaying compassion to contempt. The condescension is apparent when the onion states, â€Å"Look at you, chopping and weeping. Idiot. † (10) The onion resorts to mocking and illuminating the person’s personal flaws and ignorance. It condemns the person’s entire approach, accusing him of searching for a truth founded on deception and idealism. Moreover, the onion pleads, â€Å"You must not grieve that the world is glimpsed through veils. How else can it be seen? How will you rip away the veil of the eye, the veil? †. (16-18) This implies that the onion has several layers, and as the â€Å"peeler† peels them away, the truth (that there is not a heart) becomes more evident. When the truth comes to light, it will not be untainted, as they will observe it through a veil of tears from dismantling the onion. In essence, there is a feeling of battle between the narrator and the â€Å"peeler. † The onion is not completely defenseless; however, the onion’s fight is not in the physical sense as is the â€Å"peeler’s. † There is the bluntness of truth that the onion uses as it’s resistance. A battle for the truth emerges between good and evil. Evil, being the peeler’s unyielding attack on the onion disregarding the onion’s plea there is nothing to find; yet they are determine to find what they believe to be true. In contrast, the onion being brutally torn apart was steadfast in its unwavering stance against the attacker is perceived as heroic. Comparatively, the narrative best relates to an unhealthy relationship. The metaphor of one cutting an onion to someone in a relationship that one knows is not healthy, but the individual pursues it anyway. The onion expresses, â€Å"I don’t mean to make you cry. I mean nothing, but this has not kept you from peeling away my body, layer by layer. † (1-3) Prior to someone cutting into an onion he is aware of the repercussions. Undoubtedly it will make your eyes water or burn badly; yet they continue to do so. That also can be applied to a toxic relationship. One is aware of their mate’s ability to break her heart; however, they continue in the relationship to the end mindful, of the inevitable. In conclusion, Suji Kwock Kim’s piece shows how man is constantly longing to seek truth, to view the world without the â€Å"veil† that covers it. People are constantly peeling away, in search of finding the secrets within. Ultimately, people lose sight of what may be evident right in front of them. Man becomes so driven to find this â€Å"truth† that he becomes â€Å"lost in its maze of chambers, blood, and love. † (29) Those who have harmed others in their quest to discover a deeper truth will expire as a result of the guilt that has been built up in their hearts. The search for the truth is an endless game that will only end in the demise of mankind.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Culture & country Essay

There is no country today whose culture and values are so isolated from the mainstream of the world. The preservation of their thoughts and peculiarities as people has been, not just a social phenomenon, but a proof that no culture is so exact or perfect to any community on earth. Each is tailored-fit to that specific tribe, community, or people. The Philippines was colonized by the United States for more or less half a century. Many Filipinos today, act, think, and work like any American their age. Just consider the fashion and music people from these two nations enjoy. A closer look will reveal that Filipinos prefer the same type of music and clothing just as the same as any American. However, while cultural subjugation may be present, since US has largely dominated the thoughts of Filipinos, striking differences cannot be denied. On Family matters, Filipinos usually ask the permission of their parents before engaging in marriage. The groom’s family pays visit to the bride’s home to discuss matters regarding the wedding. Most of the time, the parents’ have their last say on almost all conceivable aspects of marriage. It is a truism, that Filipinos hold the idea that marriage is not just union of individuals but of families, as well. On the contrary, weddings, American style are commonly planned by the couples themselves and the parents have little or no influence at all in the preparation and ceremony itself. Furthermore, many of Filipino women today are still dependent to their spouses. Largely, their women are more patriarchal in orientation in terms of family life than their American counterparts. On the other hand, American women are more independent and self-actualized individuals, while Filipinos are very family-dependent people. As proof, they would usually live in one house or in one neighborhood together with the clan, very different from American families who usually live far from each other. This reveals the close-family ties of the Filipinos, compared to the independent-minded thoughts of the Americans. While this issue is so simple, the effect is profound and cannot be diminished. The family is a microcosm of the entire society and the mirror of the entire nation. It is where all social contexts are indexed and all values are reflected. Source: Shead, M. T. ed. (2006). Family Structure. retrived May 9, 2006, from Living in the Philippines. Website:http://www. livinginthephilippines. com/philculture/family. html

Friday, September 13, 2019

7 Eleven Target Market

7 Eleven Target Market This investigation of the small business, 7-Eleven chain store, was conducted over two month period from July, with many sources of information, such as the actual stores and the information from internet. The 7-Eleven chain store was established as an ice house in Dallas, Texas in 1927, and it is one of the world’s largest operator, franchisor and licensor of convenience stores. This article seeks to explore a comprehensive description and understanding about 7-Eleven and try to find out the secret of success, as well as giving some suggestions. The 7-eleven chain store was started out in 1927 and was introduced to Australia in 1977. An ice dock employee in the Southland Ice Company began to offer milk, bread and eggs on Sundays and evenings when grocery stores were closed. This new business idea produced satisfied customers and then the chain store was established. In November 2005, 7-Eleven, Inc. became an indirect subsidiary of Seven & I Holdings Company, a Japan-based or ganization. Their prime function is to consistently serve the changing needs of customers for their convenience. The store can always adapt quickly to meet the customer’s changing needs. It is the most obvious feature that makes it different from other convenience stores. With the newest products and services applying in the store, and the newest ways of business operation, the store can be operated more efficiently than others. For short, the perpetual improvement made the store keeping ahead in so many brands of chain stores. As a convenience store, 7-Eleven mainly faces three types of competitors. The first on is supermarkets, such as Wal-Mart. Second, small shops (probably not has a brand). Third, other brands of convenience stores, such as Lawson (founded in 1975 in Japan). The targeted customer is young single working people, usually un-married, as a result, the location of 7-Eleven always near office buildings, shopping malls, parking lots, subway station, et al. Besid es the traveler is also its main customer. In Australia, â€Å"stores in suburban areas often operate as petrol stations† (, 2010). 7-eleven, Inc. is the word’s largest convenience retail chain. The company operates franchises and licenses more than 7,100 stores in the U.S. and 7-Eleven licensees and affiliates operate approximately 31,400 7-Eleven and other convenience stores in countries including Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, China, Australia, et al (, 2010). The main distribution of 7-eleven around the word can be seem in the table bellow fig.1 Fig.1 the main distribution of 7-Eleven around the word Territory First Store Opened Number of Locations United States 1968 584 Canada + 1969 457 Mexico 1971 1,180 Japan 1971 12,753 Australia 1977 397 Sweden 1978 191 Taiwan 1980 4,735 China (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou & Macau) 1981, 1992, 1996, and 2005, respectively 1,680 Singapore 1983 493 Philippines 1984 469 Malaysia 1984 1,115 Norway 1986 177 South Korea 1989 2,282 Thailand 1989 5,409 Denmark 1993 126 Beijing, PRC 2004 93 Shanghai, PRC 2009 20 Indonesia 2009 5 Rsource: (4) Suppliers It can be seen from the table bellow that the most commodity of 7-Eleven is food, in which the processed food account most. As a result, the main supplier of 7-Eleven is food maker, especially who produce the processed food. The non-food products suppliers is various, such the provider of a variety of prepaid card.

There are 7 tasks and each one of it need 600-1000 words. see the word Essay

There are 7 tasks and each one of it need 600-1000 words. see the word document for the question and the requirements please, thank you - Essay Example Thus, the proper controlling over the tasks is very much important in order to achieve the overall objective of the business. Bureaucratic control assists in achieving the objectives of an organisation through delegating the necessary authority and responsibility. Bureaucracy principle assists to govern the authority through a set of rules and regulations to control the activities of an organisation. Besides, the bureaucracy is also referred as the standardized procedure, which administrates the execution of entire processes of an organisation through set of rules and regulations. Thus, Weber stated that bureaucracy policies and structure in the organisation is one of the essential methods of controlling the activities and the workforce too (Al-Habil, 2011; Bancroft & Rogers, 2010). Correspondingly, Weber argued that the need of the higher level of bureaucracy is important due to changing society’s needs pertaining to education, social services, and health care services among others. Bureaucratic rules have significantly led the division of works based on the specialisation of the peoples for achieving end result in an appropriate manner. The main elements of the bureaucracy that Weber describes includes predetermined and formal hierarchical structure, organisation of work based on functional speciality, ‘up-focused’ or ‘in-focused’ objectives, equality in the working area, employment based on qualification and management by rules. Weber stated that the organisation should follow the hierarchical structure and every department must be controlled by the higher level and formal and centralised the planning should be tailored. According the element of ‘management by rules’, activities should be controlled by the predet ermined rules and regulations and the lower levels should be accountable for the task and responsibilities proposed by the higher authority. Functional specialty

Thursday, September 12, 2019

American Economic History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

American Economic History - Essay Example For an approximate of 230 years, the United States has expanded into an economy which is massive, integrated and industrialized. It is known to comprise of close to a quarter of the world economy. All this is attributed to extensive and unified market, substantive political and legal system, extensive farmland that is productive, immense natural resources that include timber, coal, iron, and oil and individuals commitment to invest both material and the human capital. The American economy has sustained high wages in various sectors and this has attracted several immigrants. The overall success has been boosted in America by the key roles of both the technological and the industrial factors. The white Americans viewed the economy of the Indian-American as being primitive. It involved hunting and gathering and later inclusion of farming activities. Today, scholars have highlighted the existence of harmony between the environment and the Indian-American nation’s economic life. Th ey clearly portray the significance of the advice and education provided by the Indian- American to the survival of the European settlers. The American economy during the settlement up to the revolution is considered as colonial. It is known for its provision of raw material which included; crops, iron ore, timber for ships, furs, and cotton to its mother country. Direct economic contact existed between the Great Britain and the colonies. The American colonies fell out with its mother country due to bitterness of their reliance and underlying role in the British Empire economic life. Being in thirteen colonies, the Americans demanded for their rights, they wanted to be independent so that they could be able to elect those who will govern and tax them. This idea was greatly resisted by the British. It led to the introduction of the American Revolution, which resulted in war between the British and the Americans and later independence for the United States of America. With an attempt to bring down the American economy, the British blocked all the ports. However, the American economy remained flexible mainly because majority of its population were farming and a minority being in the cities. Its economy managed to support war that took place between 1775 and 1783. Tremendous growth was witnessed in the American economy between the period of the revolution and the civil war. Though it still remained agricultural, the manufacturing and the industry development was nurtured by the economy. The development of the American politics is attributed to the existence of economic and political competition in the north, west and south sections. Gradually, the nation established an economic system which was unified. The American economic life integration was determined by various technological developments which included invention of steamboat, the railroads and the telegraph, and the growth of new economic enterprises for example telegraph and railroads systems. The railroads had a great impact on the American economy especially between 1850 and 1873. It enabled the country to experience a transition into an urban industrial nation in possession of high finance and superior managerial skills. Railroads made the remote places accessible with costs of freight movement and the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Approaches To Crime Prevention Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Approaches To Crime Prevention - Assignment Example Government takes these prevention measures in order to reduce the ratio of crimes in the society, enforce the law and thus maintaining the environment of justice and peace in the society. The application of these crime preventive measures is very important for any community. These criminals actually use negative ways in order to harm the community people and thus gain advantage of their own. There should be strict rules and regulations and then a strong control system on the implementation of these rules will definitely help community people. There are different approaches of crime prevention that can be used in different situations. These different situations may be based on the difference in the activities, difference in focus of intrusion and the difference in the effects of those crimes. Various models have been identified so far (Morgan et. al., 2012). Everything has been systematic now. Same is the case with our criminal justice system. It has developed into a better and beneficial system now, just because of the scientific changes made in it (Geoffrey, 2012). The variety in the crime preventive approaches is the result of all the strategically changes made in it. These approaches may include community prevention approach, family prevention approach, situational environmental approach and developmental environmental approach. The analysis of all these four approaches is given below in detail. Law enforcement was the best policy by the Court in order to take preventive measures against the crimes but as there are several reasons behind crime commitment, so there must be several techniques in order to stop them. Only law enforcement would not be enough for them. Therefore in addition to law enforcement the above four approaches were introduced within different periods. There are some approaches, which actually involves citizens and the community in order to enhance the effectiveness of the crime prevention measures

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Outline and assess Foucault's critique of modernity Essay

Outline and assess Foucault's critique of modernity - Essay Example It shall present Foucault’s ideas according to post-modernism and how it conflicts with the ideas of modernity. Then it shall seek to provide an answer to the questions raised in this introduction. A conclusion to this paper shall provide a summary and a clear answer to the issues raised. Foucault critiques of modernity are based on the anti-Enlightenment principles which do not agree with the act of matching reason with emancipation and progress. Instead, Foucault argues that the links between modern realms of information has led to different types of domination (Kellner, 1991: 65). His reports have added details to this domination through psychiatry, medicine, and criminology. His aim was to critique the trends in the current world order which makes issues from the more contemporary forms of prudence which appear to be natural, but are actually oppressive forms of domination. From his goals, it can be deduced that Foucault is a â€Å"complex and eclectic thinker who draws f rom multiple sources and problematic while aligning himself with no single one† (Kellner, 1991: 41). Foucault’s literature and philosophy is a critique of modernity and he differentiates between the classical and the modern eras of the post-Renaissance period (Kellner, 1991: 39). â€Å"He sees the classical era as inaugurating a powerful mode of domination over human beings that culminates in the modern era† (Kellner, 1991: 41). He also supports Nietzsche when the latter does not give much credit to the Enlightenment ideals in historical progress. In effect, Foucault believes that humans do not go through a series of conflicts to eventually arrive at an implied agreement of the rule of law; instead, he believes that humans use the series of violent acts under certain rules and then they progress from one act of domination to another (Foucault, 1979: 25). Enlightenment was deemed by Foucault as a means of increasing political power and of distributing it in the so cial field – eventually covering different aspects of daily life. Foucault, in effect, supports a position against modernity and this is a major characterization of his work (Grumley, Hegel, and Foucault, 1989: 11). The postmodern ideal does not support the idea of equating reason and freedom with each other; and it also does not support the attempts at making issues out of the different modern and oppressive elements of rationality. Foucault sees modern rationality and subjectivity therefore as a source of domination (Grumley, Hegel, and Foucault, 1989: p. 171). He also points out that knowledge and truth are tools for power and domination. Critique of Foucault’s perspectives One of the critiques of Foucault’s perspective of modernity is the fact that he rejected the advantages which were gained through modernity, including that of medicine (Kellner, 1991: 65). Other philosophers like Habermas believed that science and the technologies arising from it would not create any issues for as long as these technologies are managed according to proper rules (Powell and Moody, 2003). In contrast, Foucault completely discounted the benefits and progressive gains from modernity and science. Foucault believed that modernity is entirely disciplinary, and this generalization is a difficult one to support (Koopman, 2010: 3). His analysis has not exactly focused on what would end up being right in the end;